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The student will find this block very interesting because topics related to education, ecology, health and the spiritual life are dealt in it. Besides, in the grammatical section the passive voice, and the conditional will be seen. --TRANSLATED-- El alumno encontrará muy interesante este bloque porque en él se tratarán temas como la educación, la ecología, la salud y la vida espiritual. Además, en el apartado gramatical, se verá la voz pasiva, y el condicional. |
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English Advanced Block 9
The student will find this block very interesting because topics related to education, ecology, health and the spiritual life are dealt in it. Besides, in the grammatical section the passive voice, and the conditional will be seen. --TRANSLATED-- El alumno encontrará muy interesante este bloque porque en él se tratarán temas como la educación, la ecología, la salud y la vida espiritual. Además, en el apartado gramatical, se verá la voz pasiva, y el condicional.
1. Sean works in the radio Part 1
Functions: Defining an object or a person. Giving extra information about an object or a person. Asking for information in a formal way. Asking for and expressing opinion. Grammar: Relative clauses: Defining & Non-defining. Indirect questions. Vocabulary: Ecology. Environment.
2. Sean works in the radio Part 2
Functions: Defining an object or a person. Giving extra information about an object or a person. Asking for information in a formal way. Asking for and expressing opinion. Grammar: Relative clauses: Defining & Non-defining. Indirect questions. Vocabulary: Ecology. Environment.
3. Sean works in the radio Part 3
Functions: Defining an object or a person. Giving extra information about an object or a person. Asking for information in a formal way. Asking for and expressing opinion. Grammar: Relative clauses: Defining & Non-defining. Indirect questions. Vocabulary: Ecology. Environment.
4. Bad news! Part 1
Functions: Making deductions about the past. Regretting past actions. Connecting ideas. Grammar: Modal verbs with perfect tenses. I wish / If only. Perfect conditional. Connectors. Vocabulary: The news. Politics. Homophones. Connectors.
5. Bad news! Part 2
Functions: Making deductions about the past. Regretting past actions. Connecting ideas. Grammar: Modal verbs with perfect tenses. I wish / If only. Perfect conditional. Connectors. Vocabulary: The news. Politics. Homophones. Connectors.
6. Bad news! Part 3
Functions: Making deductions about the past. Regretting past actions. Connecting ideas. Grammar: Modal verbs with perfect tenses. I wish / If only. Perfect conditional. Connectors. Vocabulary: The news. Politics. Homophones. Connectors.
7. Interviewing a headmaster Part 1
Functions: Giving permission. Talking about abilities. Talking about impossible facts in the present due to unfulfilled conditions in the past. Grammar: Third conditional. Verb + Object + Infinitive. Modal verbs and similar structures: can, may, to be allowed to / can, could, be able to. Vocabulary: Education. School subjects. Learning techniques.
8. Interviewing a headmaster Part 2
Functions: Giving permission. Talking about abilities. Talking about impossible facts in the present due to unfulfilled conditions in the past. Grammar: Third conditional. Verb + Object + Infinitive. Modal verbs and similar structures: can, may, to be allowed to / can, could, be able to. Vocabulary: Education. School subjects. Learning techniques.
9. Interviewing a headmaster Part 3
Functions: Giving permission. Talking about abilities. Talking about impossible facts in the present due to unfulfilled conditions in the past. Grammar: Third conditional. Verb + Object + Infinitive. Modal verbs and similar structures: can, may, to be allowed to / can, could, be able to. Vocabulary: Education. School subjects. Learning techniques.
10. I have to see a doctor! Part 1
Functions: Reporting commands. Reporting questions. Explaining cause. Grammar: Reported questions. Reported commands. Modals in reported speech. Because, as, since vs. because of, due to. Vocabulary: Health & Medicine. Healthy eating. Health farms.
11. I have to see a doctor! Part 2
Functions: Reporting commands. Reporting questions. Explaining cause. Grammar: Reported questions. Reported commands. Modals in reported speech. Because, as, since vs. because of, due to. Vocabulary: Health & Medicine. Healthy eating. Health farms.
12. I have to see a doctor! Part 3
Functions: Reporting commands. Reporting questions. Explaining cause. Grammar: Reported questions. Reported commands. Modals in reported speech. Because, as, since vs. because of, due to. Vocabulary: Health & Medicine. Healthy eating. Health farms.
13. You need a retreat Part 1
Functions: Expressing purpose. Talking about different religions. Describing a process. Grammar: Passive voice. The passive form of sentences with two objects. Have something done. Purpose: to + verb, for + noun, so that + clause. Vocabulary: Spiritual life. Religions. American words.
14. You need a retreat Part 2
Functions: Expressing purpose. Talking about different religions. Describing a process. Grammar: Passive voice. The passive form of sentences with two objects. Have something done. Purpose: to + verb, for + noun, so that + clause. Vocabulary: Spiritual life. Religions. American words.
15. You need a retreat Part 3
Functions: Expressing purpose. Talking about different religions. Describing a process. Grammar: Passive voice. The passive form of sentences with two objects. Have something done. Purpose: to + verb, for + noun, so that + clause. Vocabulary: Spiritual life. Religions. American words.
16. Margaret's family in moving Part 1
This lesson provides a choice of revision or extension activities.
17. Margaret's family in moving Part 2
This lesson provides a choice of revision or extension activities.
18. Margaret's family in moving Part 3
This lesson provides a choice of revision or extension activities.
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