Nº Horas:
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In this block you will learn how to talk about quantities and percentages in English and how to use the verbs of permission and obligation such as can't, have to, needn't, should, allowed to, and so on. You will also learn to give advices, offer to do things, make promises, suggestions and requests, as well as to write letters. --TRANSLATED-- En este bloque aprenderás cómo hablar sobre cantidades y porcentajes en inglés y como utilizar los verbos de permiso y obligación como can't, have to, needn't, should, allowed to, etc. También aprenderás a dar consejos, ofrecer hacer cosas, hacer promesas, sugerencias o peticiones, así como escribir cartas. |
Metodología: |
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Programa: |
English Expert Block 11
In this block you will learn how to talk about quantities and percentages in English and how to use the verbs of permission and obligation such as can't, have to, needn't, should, allowed to, and so on. You will also learn to give advices, offer to do things, make promises, suggestions and requests, as well as to write letters. -- TRANSLATED-- En este bloque aprenderás cómo hablar sobre cantidades y porcentajes en inglés y como utilizar los verbos de permiso y obligación como can't, have to, needn't, should, allowed to, etc. También aprenderás a dar consejos, ofrecer hacer cosas, hacer promesas, sugerencias o peticiones, así como escribir cartas.
1. Shopping at the supermarket Part 1
Functions: Expressing quantity. Grammar: The election of the article: a, an, the. The omission of the article. Quantifiers. Uncountable & Mass nouns. Plural nouns. Vocabulary: Proportions and figures: fractions, percentages, etc. Quantities. Nouns.
2. Shopping at the supermarket Part 2
Functions: Expressing quantity. Grammar: The election of the article: a, an, the. The omission of the article. Quantifiers. Uncountable & Mass nouns. Plural nouns. Vocabulary: Proportions and figures: fractions, percentages, etc. Quantities. Nouns.
3. Shopping at the supermarket Part 3
Functions: Expressing quantity. Grammar: The election of the article: a, an, the. The omission of the article. Quantifiers. Uncountable & Mass nouns. Plural nouns. Vocabulary: Proportions and figures: fractions, percentages, etc. Quantities. Nouns.
4. Going on a tour Part 1
Functions: Giving orders. Describing ability. Expressing obligation. Expressing absence of obligation. Expressing future possibility. Grammar: Possibility + Ability: can, could, may ... Probability: will, may, might. Deductions: must, can’t, may, might, could. Permission & Obligation: can’t, have to, needn’t, should, allowed to ...
5. Going on a tour Part 2
Functions: Giving orders. Describing ability. Expressing obligation. Expressing absence of obligation. Expressing future possibility. Grammar: Possibility + Ability: can, could, may ... Probability: will, may, might. Deductions: must, can’t, may, might, could. Permission & Obligation: can’t, have to, needn’t, should, allowed to ...
6. Going on a tour Part 3
Functions: Giving orders. Describing ability. Expressing obligation. Expressing absence of obligation. Expressing future possibility. Grammar: Possibility + Ability: can, could, may ... Probability: will, may, might. Deductions: must, can’t, may, might, could. Permission & Obligation: can’t, have to, needn’t, should, allowed to ...
7. Getting the contract Part 1
Functions: Giving advice. Offering to do things. Making promises. Making suggestions. Making requests. Writing a letter. Grammar: Modals. Vocabulary: Vocabulary and expressions used in letter writing. British vs. American English.
8. Getting the contract Part 2
Functions: Giving advice. Offering to do things. Making promises. Making suggestions. Making requests. Writing a letter. Grammar: Modals. Vocabulary: Vocabulary and expressions used in letter writing. British vs. American English.
9. Getting the contract Part 3
Functions: Giving advice. Offering to do things. Making promises. Making suggestions. Making requests. Writing a letter. Grammar: Modals. Vocabulary: Vocabulary and expressions used in letter writing. British vs. American English.
10. Some troubles with the tour Part 1
Grammar: Verb + Gerund/Infinitive. Verbs + Object + Infinitive. Expressions + Gerund. Verbs with changes in meaning: remember, stop, ... Vocabulary: Cinema, photo sessions, models, etc. Verbs. Idioms.
11. Some troubles with the tour Part 2
Grammar: Verb + Gerund/Infinitive. Verbs + Object + Infinitive. Expressions + Gerund. Verbs with changes in meaning: remember, stop, ... Vocabulary: Cinema, photo sessions, models, etc. Verbs. Idioms.
12. Some troubles with the tour Part 3
Grammar: Verb + Gerund/Infinitive. Verbs + Object + Infinitive. Expressions + Gerund. Verbs with changes in meaning: remember, stop, ... Vocabulary: Cinema, photo sessions, models, etc. Verbs. Idioms.
13. Alec and Julia say goodbye Part 1
Functions: Describing objects. Expressing purpose. Guessing objects. Expressing position. Grammar: Order of adjectives. Compound nouns. Purpose-related objects. Prepositions of position: at the top/ at the bottom. Vocabulary: Adjectives. Compound nouns. Shapes & Materials. Office objects.
14. Alec and Julia say goodbye Part 2
Functions: Describing objects. Expressing purpose. Guessing objects. Expressing position. Grammar: Order of adjectives. Compound nouns. Purpose-related objects. Prepositions of position: at the top/ at the bottom. Vocabulary: Adjectives. Compound nouns. Shapes & Materials. Office objects.
15. Alec and Julia say goodbye Part 3
Functions: Describing objects. Expressing purpose. Guessing objects. Expressing position. Grammar: Order of adjectives. Compound nouns. Purpose-related objects. Prepositions of position: at the top/ at the bottom. Vocabulary: Adjectives. Compound nouns. Shapes & Materials. Office objects.
16. On the way to Ireland Part 1
This lesson provides a choice of revision or extension activities.
17. On the way to Ireland Part 2
This lesson provides a choice of revision or extension activities.
18. On the way to Ireland Part 3
This lesson provides a choice of revision or extension activities.
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