
Curso English No Limits: Advanced
Tipo de Curso:
Temática: |
Modalidad: |
Precio: |
284 €
Forma de Pago y financiacion: |
domiciliación bancaria, tarjeta de crédito, transferencia bancaria |
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Consultar |
Plazas: |
Consultar |
No disponible |
Nº Horas:
68 |
emitida por el centro |
Objetivos: |
For those ones who have got a middle-low level of English and who wish not to lose the knowledge which they have already got, and at the same time want to improve their level of pronunciation and their reading understanding. This course is wonderful for those ones interested in learning in a natural and easy way, emphasizing the verb tenses and the vocabulary. [TRANSLATED] Para aquellos que tengan un nivel mediobajo de inglés y deseen no perder los conocimientos que ya poseen, y a la vez que quieran mejorar su nivel de pronunciación y de comprensión lectora. Este curso es fantástico para aquellos interesados en aprender de manera natural y sencilla, poniendo énfasis en los tiempos verbales y en el vocabulario. |
Metodología: |
consultar |
Programa: |
English Advanced Block 7
1. Doing market research Part 1
2. Doing market research Part 2
3. Doing market research Part 3
4. Remembering old times Part 1
5. Remembering old times Part 2
6. Remembering old times Part 3
7. Making plans for holidays Part 1
8. Making plans for holidays Part 2
9. Making plans for holidays Part 3
10. One fortnight in Austria Part 1
11. One fortnight in Austria Part 2
12. One fortnight in Austria Part 3
13. Housework I Part 1
14. Housework I Part 2
15. Housework I Part 3
16. Housework II Part 1
17. Housework II Part 2
18. Housework II Part 3
English Advanced Block 8
1. Amanda's plans Part 1
2. Amanda's plans Part 2
3. Amanda's plans Part 3
4. Looking for a temporary job Part 1
5. Looking for a temporary job Part 2
6. Looking for a temporary job Part 3
7. Working with animals Part 1
8. Working with animals Part 2
9. Working with animals Part 3
10. It's a bargain! Making a complaint Part 1
11. It's a bargain! Making a complaint Part 2
12. It's a bargain! Making a complaint Part 3
13. Meeting Rick Part 1
14. Meeting Rick Part 2
15. Meeting Rick Part 3
16. You are only young once, Mum!! Part 1
17. You are only young once, Mum!! Part 2
18. You are only young once, Mum!! Part 3
English Advanced Block 9
1. Sean works in the radio Part 1
2. Sean works in the radio Part 2
3. Sean works in the radio Part 3
4. Bad news! Part 1
5. Bad news! Part 2
6. Bad news! Part 3
7. Interviewing a headmaster Part 1
8. Interviewing a headmaster Part 2
9. Interviewing a headmaster Part 3
10. I have to see a doctor! Part 1
11. I have to see a doctor! Part 2
12. I have to see a doctor! Part 3
13. You need a retreat Part 1
14. You need a retreat Part 2
15. You need a retreat Part 3
16. Margaret's family in moving Part 1
17. Margaret's family in moving Part 2
18. Margaret's family in moving Part 3
Requisitos de acceso: |
consultar |
Observaciones: |
consultar |
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