Todomaster – Masters y Postgrados
Masters de Medio Ambiente
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Masters de Tributación y Fiscalidad
Masters en Finanzas
Masters de Calidad

Curso English No Limits: Expert

Tipo de Curso: Curso 
Temática: Inglés
Modalidad: online
Precio: 284 €        
Forma de Pago y financiacion: domiciliación bancaria, tarjeta de crédito, transferencia bancaria
Formación y Ocio, S.L.
Ver + cursos
 Duración:  Consultar Plazas: Consultar
 Horario: libre
 Nº Horas: 68
 Titulación: emitida por el centro
    For those people who have a middle level of English and who wish acquire more knowledge, above all of oral English. In the upper-intermediate you will listen conversations from natives to an advanced level, so generally speaking you will be able to improve your level of English. --TRANSLATED-- Para aquellas personas que tengan un nivel medio de inglés y que deseen adquirir más conocimientos, sobretodo de inglés oral. En el upper-intermediate escucharás conversaciones de nativos a un nivel avanzado, de está manera serás capaz de mejorar tu nivel de inglés en general.
    English Expert Block 10
In this block, you will do a consolidation of the main verbs in English of the present, the past and the future, at the same time you will learn how to describe physically a person with detail, according to his age and the physical qualities which he owns. You will also find the description which is made of the theatre very interesting. --TRANSLATED-- En este bloque, vas a hacer una revisión de los principales verbos en inglés del presente, pasado y el futuro, a la vez que aprenderás cómo describir detalladamente a una persona físicamente según la edad que tenga, y las cualidades físicas que posea. También encontrarás muy interesante la descripción que se hace del teatro.
1. Starting out the theatre group I Part 1
2. Starting out the theatre group I Part 2
3. Starting out the theatre group I Part 3
4. Starting out the theatre group II Part 1
5. Starting out the theatre group II Part 2
6. Starting out the theatre group II Part 3
7. Starting out the theatre group III Part 1
8. Starting out the theatre group III Part 2
9. Starting out the theatre group III Part 3
10. Rehearsing on a hired hall Part 1
11. Rehearsing on a hired hall Part 2
12. Rehearsing on a hired hall Part 3
13. An invitation to the local press Part 1
14. An invitation to the local press Part 2
15. An invitation to the local press Part 3
16. The first performance Part 1
17. The first performance Part 2
18. The first performance Part 3

English Expert Block 11
In this block you will learn how to talk about quantities and percentages in English and how to use the verbs of permission and obligation such as can't, have to, needn't, should, allowed to, and so on. You will also learn to give advices, offer to do things, make promises, suggestions and requests, as well as to write letters. -- TRANSLATED-- En este bloque aprenderás cómo hablar sobre cantidades y porcentajes en inglés y como utilizar los verbos de permiso y obligación como can't, have to, needn't, should, allowed to, etc. También aprenderás a dar consejos, ofrecer hacer cosas, hacer promesas, sugerencias o peticiones, así como escribir cartas.
1. Shopping at the supermarket Part 1
2. Shopping at the supermarket Part 2
3. Shopping at the supermarket Part 3
4. Going on a tour Part 1
5. Going on a tour Part 2
6. Going on a tour Part 3
7. Getting the contract Part 1
8. Getting the contract Part 2
9. Getting the contract Part 3
10. Some troubles with the tour Part 1
11. Some troubles with the tour Part 2
12. Some troubles with the tour Part 3
13. Alec and Julia say goodbye Part 1
14. Alec and Julia say goodbye Part 2
15. Alec and Julia say goodbye Part 3
16. On the way to Ireland Part 1
17. On the way to Ireland Part 2
18. On the way to Ireland Part 3

English Expert Block 12
Finally, this block is for those people who have a high level of English and want to improve it. Here you will learn to speak in English about superstitions, about horoscopes, you will learn the synonyms and antonyms of certain words. Likewise, you will learn to describe scenes and images and to give your own impressions about what you see. --TRANSLATED-- Finalmente, este bloque es para aquellos que tengan un nivel alto de inglés y que quieran mejorarlo. Aquí aprenderás a hablar en inglés sobre las supersticiones, sobre los horóscopos, aprenderás los sinónimos y antónimos de determinadas palabras. Asimismo, aprenderás a describir escenas e imágenes y a dar tus propias impresiones sobre lo que ves.
1. In an Irish pub Part 1
2. In an Irish pub Part 2
3. In an Irish pub Part 3
4. Welsh culture Part 1
5. Welsh culture Part 2
6. Welsh culture Part 3
7. Hogmanay in Scotland Part 1
8. Hogmanay in Scotland Part 2
9. Hogmanay in Scotland Part 3
10. Doing some sightseeing in London Part 1
11. Doing some sightseeing in London Part 2
12. Doing some sightseeing in London Part 3
13. Remembering the tour Part 1
14. Remembering the tour Part 2
15. Remembering the tour Part 3
16. Making plans for the future Part 1
17. Making plans for the future Part 2
18. Making plans for the future Part 3

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