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Curso English No Limits: Intermediate

Tipo de Curso: Curso 
Temática: Inglés
Modalidad: online
Precio: 284 €        
Forma de Pago y financiacion: domiciliación bancaria, tarjeta de crédito, transferencia bancaria
Formación y Ocio, S.L.
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 Duración:  Consultar Plazas: Consultar
 Horario: libre
 Nº Horas: 68
 Titulación: emitida por el centro
    For those ones who have got basic notions of English, but who want to improve it and get a higher level both in the oral English and in the written one. Here, the student will learn how to use the verb tenses properly, at the same time they will increase vocabulary related to the daily life of the English. --TRANSLATED-- Para aquellos que tengan nociones básicas de inglés, pero que quieran mejorarlo y alcanzar un nivel más alto tanto en el inglés oral como en el escrito. Aquí el alumno aprenderá cómo utilizar adecuadamente los tiempos verbales, a la vez que ampliará vocabulario relacionado con la vida cotidiana de los ingleses.
    English Intermediate Block 4
In this block you will learn to talk about future and past actions, using the present continuous, the past simple or else other different verb tenses, to talk about the weather, to express agreement and disagreement with somebody, and so on. In block 4 more complex verb tenses are going to be introduced, as the present perfect, comparing it with the past simple and the existing differences between these two verb tenses and when we can use them will be explained. --TRANSLATED-- En este bloque aprenderás a hablar sobre acciones futuras y pasadas, utilizando el presente continuo, el pasado simple o bien otros tiempos verbales diferentes, a hablar del tiempo, expresar acuerdo o desacuerdo con alguien, etc. En el bloque 4 se van a introducir tiempos verbales más complejos, como el presente perfecto, comparándolo con el pasado simple y se explicará las diferencias existentes entre estos dos tiempos verbales y cuando podemos utilizarlos.
1. Buying the perfect camper Part 1
2. Buying the perfect camper Part 2
3. Buying the perfect camper Part 3
4. Mildred Part 1
5. Mildred Part 2
6. Mildred Part 3
7. Let's go to the Isle of Wight Part 1
8. Let's go to the Isle of Wight Part 2
9. Let's go to the Isle of Wight Part 3
10. Having a breakdown Part 1
11. Having a breakdown Part 2
12. Having a breakdown Part 3
13. Bye-Bye, Rowland! Part 1
14. Bye-Bye, Rowland! Part 2
15. Bye-Bye, Rowland! Part 3
16. She's left me!! Part 1
17. She's left me!! Part 2
18. She's left me!! Part 3

English Intermediate Block 5
In this block the different situations that you can find when you travel abroad or at work are explained in detail. Regarding the grammar, there will be a revision of the past tense, indicating the differences between the past simple and the past continuous. At the same time, there will be new modal verbs, like must or should.-- TRANSLATED--En este bloque se explica detalladamente situaciones que te pueden pasar cuando viajas fuera o bien en el trabajo. En lo que se refiere a la gramática, se hará una revisión del pasado, señalando las diferencias entre el pasado simple y el continuo, a la vez que aparecerán nuevos verbos modales, como el must o el should.
1. Introducing "Dark Night" Part 1
2. Introducing "Dark Night" Part 2
3. Introducing "Dark Night" Part 3
4. Camping in the countryside Part 1
5. Camping in the countryside Part 2
6. Camping in the countryside Part 3
7. You are not invited to the party Part 1
8. You are not invited to the party Part 2
9. You are not invited to the party Part 3
10. Meeting Jean Part 1
11. Meeting Jean Part 2
12. Meeting Jean Part 3
13. Nick's plan Part 1
14. Nick's plan Part 2
15. Nick's plan Part 3
16. Falling in love Part 1
17. Falling in love Part 2
18. Falling in love Part 3

English Intermediate Block 6
With these levels you will be introduced to the English language and you will be able to give your first steps in English. You will start building sentences in English and keeping conversations. You will be able to read a poster, ask for directions, take a taxi or to know how to perform very well in a hotel or a restaurant when you travel to a foreign country. If you are not going to go out to a foreign country at the moment, you will be able to read a newspaper or pages from the internet in English, with a good understanding level. --TRANSLATED-- Con estos niveles te introducirás en la lengua inglesa y podrás dar los primeros pasos en inglés. Empezarás a construir frases en inglés y mantener conversaciones. Podrás leer un cartel, pedir una dirección, coger un taxi o saber desenvolverte en un hotel o restaurante cuando viajes al extranjero. Si no vas a salir al extranjero de momento, podrás leer un periódico o páginas de internet en inglés, con un buen nivel de comprensión.
1. Saying goodbye to the band Part 1
2. Saying goodbye to the band Part 2
3. Saying goodbye to the band Part 3
4. Getting married Part 1
5. Getting married Part 2
6. Getting married Part 3
7. Meeting Jean's family I Part 1
8. Meeting Jean's family I Part 2
9. Meeting Jean's family I Part 3
10. Meeting Jean's family II Part 1
11. Meeting Jean's family II Part 2
12. Meeting Jean's family II Part 3
13. A new barman Part 1
14. A new barman Part 2
15. A new barman Part 3
16. Dreaming of becoming famous Part 1
17. Dreaming of becoming famous Part 2
18. Dreaming of becoming famous Part 3
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