Todomaster – Masters y Postgrados
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Postgrado Executive Llm

Tipo de Curso: Postgrado 
Temática: Derecho y Politicas
Modalidad: semipresencial
Precio: 36000 €        
IE Business School
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 Localización: madrid,Madrid (España)
 Duración:  Consultar Plazas: Consultar
 Horario: No disponible
 Nº Horas: 800
 Titulación: consultar
    IE Law School and Northwestern University School of Law have created a revolutionary program for experienced lawyers who want to earn the LL.M. degree along with a Certificate in Business Administration without having to take a year away from work to do so.

The program content is based on Anglo-American common law and its application in European and international practices. Participants also study fundamental business administration subjects such as financial accounting, corporate finance, negotiation, marketing and business strategy.

The Executive LL.M. represents a partnership between two of the world’s leading institutions for law and business education both of whom are committed to providing participants with the knowledge and skills needed to take the next step up the up the career ladder.

The Executive LL.M. Program was launched in September 2006, and the inaugural class graduated in May 2007.


The Executive LL.M. Program runs from September to May, and offers candidates maximum flexibility thanks to its two timetable options.

The first option combines three intensive on-campus periods, each roughly two weeks in duration. Two of these periods are held in Madrid on the IE campus (September and November/December), and the third and final period is held at the Northwestern Law campus in Chicago (April/May). In between the on-campus periods, participants continue their studies online, using our Online Campus platform. This option is specifically designed for the working lawyer who cannot take an extended period away from his /her firm.

The second option of study is ideal for candidates who can take more time away from their professional and personal obligations. This alternative lets participants complete the first two terms on-campus in Madrid. Then, from early January to mid-May, participants get the opportunity to travel to Chicago and spend the spring semester in residence at Northwestern Law, where they may choose courses from among the wide variety of subjects offered to Northwestern JD and LL.M. students.

Regardless of the study option chosen, all Executive LL.M. Program graduates will have the opportunity to attend the Northwestern Law all-campus graduation ceremony, held in Chicago at the end of the third on-campus period.

On-Campus and Online Education

The combination of traditional classroom instruction and interactive online education allows students to complete a full-time residential LL.M. program in one academic year without extended periods away from their career.

On campus sessions are intensive to enable you to get the most out of your precious time with professors and colleagues in both Madrid and Chicago. Following these face-to-face sessions, the learning and networking continue via our online resources, when the Online Campus becomes the fundamental point of reference for group work and professor-led virtual discussions.

On average, participants spend around 15 hours per week during these computer-based periods, including both online work and offline study. The asynchronous nature of the online periods means that participants are not restricted by strict timetables and can take part in the online sessions at their own convenience.

Whether on campus or online, all courses in the Executive LLM Program are taught by renowned professors from both Northwestern Law and IE Business School. These top scholars, teachers and practitioners draw on their own extensive experience, as well as the diversity and background of the class members themselves, to create a unique and innovative learning experience.

IE and Northwestern Law have joined forces to provide this unique LL.M. program for experienced lawyers, in recognition of the increasingly global legal profession and its growing convergence with the world of international business. This revolutionary program provides the participants with unsurpassed legal knowledge as well as the skills required for success in the international legal and business worlds.
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