
Tipo de Curso:
Temática: |
Modalidad: |
Precio: |
315 €
Forma de Pago y financiacion: |
domiciliación bancaria, tarjeta de crédito, transferencia bancaria |
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Consultar |
Plazas: |
Consultar |
libre |
Nº Horas:
100 |
emitida por el centro |
Objetivos: |
Course designed by those people who have got a basic knowledge of English and need to acquire a survival conversation level in a short period of time. You will be able to go to a foreign country with a more acceptable understanding and conversation level in few months. If what you need is to speak fluently in a short time, what you need is Fast. --TRANSLATED-- Curso diseñado para aquellas personas que tienen conocimientos básicos de inglés y necesitan adquirir un nivel de conversación de supervivencia en un corto periodo de tiempo. En unos pocos meses podrás irte al extranjero con un nivel de compresión y conversación más aceptable. Si lo que necesitas es desenvolverte en poco tiempo, lo tuyo es un Fast. |
Metodología: |
consultar |
Programa: |
Fast English
It is designed by those people who have got a basic knowledge of English and need to acquire a survival conversation level in a short period of time. You will be able to go to a foreign country with a more aceptable understanding and conversation level in few months. If what you need is to speak fluently in a short time, what you need is Fast. --TRANSLATED-- Diseñado para aquellas personas que tienen conocimientos básicos de inglés y necesitan adquirir un nivel de conversación de supervivencia en un corto periodo de tiempo. En unos pocos meses podrás irte al extranjero con un nivel de compresión y conversación más aceptable. Si lo que necesitas es desenvolverte en poco tiempo, lo tuyo es un Fast.
1. On the plane to England. (I)
2. On the plane to England. (II)
3. At the airport. (I)
4. At the airport. (II)
5. At the school. (I)
6. At the school. (II)
7. In the cafeteria. (I)
8. In the cafeteria. (II)
9. Maria goes to the newsagent's. (I)
10. Maria goes to the newsagent's. (II)
11. At the bus stop. (I)
12. At the bus stop. (II)
13. The family. (I)
14. The family. (II)
15. Closed on Sundays. (I)
16. Closed on Sundays. (II)
17. In a pub in London. (I)
18. In a pub in London. (II)
19. What's it like? (I)
20. What's it like? (II)
21. Gina's new apartment. (I)
22. Gina's new apartment. (II)
23. Asking for directions. (I)
24. Asking for directions. (II)
25. What's for dinner? (I)
26. What's for dinner? (II)
27. At the doctor's. (I)
28. At the doctor's. (II)
29. Free time. (I)
30. Free time. (II)
31. Responsibilities. (I)
32. Responsibilities. (II)
33. John is talking to an old friend. (I)
34. John is talking to an old friend. (II)
35. Simple past. (I)
36. Simple past. (II)
37. Monday Morning. (I)
38. Monday Morning. (II)
39. Can you speak English? (I)
40. Can you speak English? (II)
41. What will we do? (I)
42. What will we do? (II)
43. Buying clothes. (I)
44. Buying clothes. (II)
45. A conversation. (I)
46. A conversation. (II)
47. Have you ever been to England? (I)
48. Have you ever been to England? (II)
49. Goodbye. (I)
50. Goodbye. (II)
Requisitos de acceso: |
consultar |
Observaciones: |
consultar |
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