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Curso Inglés No Limits: Basic

Tipo de Curso: Curso 
Temática: Inglés
Modalidad: online
Precio: 595 €        
Forma de Pago y financiacion: transferencia bancaria
Subvencionado Si . Observaciones: Fundacion Tripartita
Ver + cursos
 Duración:  Consultar Plazas: Consultar
 Horario: No disponible
 Nº Horas: 79
 Titulación: Certificado De Aprovechamiento
    Para aquellos que quieren aprender nociones básicas de inglés y poder conversar en situaciones reales. El nivel beginners se compone de tres bloques en los que el alumno será capaz de descubrir cómo hablan los ingleses nativos en situaciones reales, como por ejemplo en un restaurante, en una tienda, etc. También aprenderás gramática a través de los ejercicios que les proponemos y podrás mejorar su comprensión lectora y escrita mediante listenings y ejercicios escritos.
    E-learning. Formación On Line De Alta Calidad. Con Chat y Foro
1. Functions: Meeting people, Greeting. Asking names. Grammar: Subject pronouns. To be (affirmative form). Alphabet. Vocabulary: greetings.
2. Introducing people. Asking about people?s age. Spelling words. Counting from 1 to 10. calculating. Grammar: verb to be (short form). Vocabulary: number. Age. Introductions.
3. Functions: Asking about nationalities. Living personal information. Grammar: verb to be. Article: a/an. Interrogative pronouns. Preposition of origin: from. Alphabet review. Vocabulary: nationalities. Countries. Adjetivies. Surname.
4. Asking and living personal information. Talking about people. Grammar: verb to be: negative form. Verb to be: interrogative form. Plurals. Demostratives: this/these. Vocabulary: jobs. Adjectives. More nationalities.
5. Functions: Expressing posesión. Asking and telling the time. Indicating closeness or distance. Describing pictures. Grammar: there is/there are. Demostratives: this/these/that/tose. Plurals. Demostratives: this/these. Also/too. Possesive adjetives. The´s case. Vocabulary: days of the week. Parts of the day. Numbers from 0 to 12
6. Functions: talking about routine actions. Talking about oneself. Grammar: present simple (affirmative form). Vocabulary: verbs related to habitual actions. Number from 13 to 30
7. Functions: talking about daily routine. Grammar: present simple (affirmative form). Imperative with “let´s”. frecuency Adverb.: usually, sometimos. Articles: a/an/the. Word order. Vocabulary: vocabulary related to time: nonn, midnight, later, etc. More verbs
8. Functions: talking about prices. Ordering a meal. Going shopping. Grammar: present simple: negative form. Present simple: interrogative form. Vocabulary: food, Money. Numbers from 30 to 100.
9. This lesson provides a choice of revision or extension activities.

1. Functions: telephone conversations. Expressing ability. Asking for permission. Expressing possibility. Expressing prohibition. Grammar: modal verb “can”. Vocabulary: colours. Clothes…
2. Describing people. Asking to describe people. Grammar: adjectives: characteristics and position in the sentence. Vocabulary: parts of the body. Review of colours and age. More adjectives.
3. Functions: expressing frequency. Expressing location. Expressing possession. Grammar: Adverb. Of frecuency. Prepositions of place. Have got. The´s case review. Vocabulary: family. Prepositions.
4. Functions: Giving commands and instructions. Giving directions. Grammar: imperative affirmative. Prepositions of movement. Vocabulary: places of interest: bank, square, etc. verbs of movement: go, turn, go past, etc.
5. functions: warning. Giving instructions. Expressing prohibitions. Grammar: imperative negative. Quantifiers: any, a few, a little, enough, plenty of, a lot of. Negative sentences + either. Vocabulary: once, twice, three times, etc. more verbs.
6. The lesson provides a choice of revision or extension activities.

1. Functions: personal descriptions in the past. Expressing location in the past. Asquing for quantities. Grammar: verb To Be in the past. There was/there were. How much/how many. Vocabulary: parts of the house, furniture, months.
2. Functions: talking about the past. Comparing things and places. Grammar: simple past (regular verbs). Comparative adjectives. Object pronouns. Vocabulary: more clothes. Buying clothes vocabulary: size, to try on, to cost, etc.
3. Functions: Asking about the past. Telling stories. Comparing things and places. Expressing order. Grammar: simple past (irregular verbs). Simple past: negative past: questions. Comparative form with long adjectives. By+transport. Vocabulary: season. Means of transport. Ordinal numbers.
4. Expresisng actions. Happening at the moment. Grammar: present continous. Present continuous vs. present simple. To be going to. Some/any. Vocabulary: have+shower, dinner…
5. Functions: expressing habitual and current actions. Expressing intention. Grammar: present continuous vs. present simple. To be going to. Vocabulary: dates. Get+married., Dressed, etc. vocabulary review.
6. This lesson provides a choice of revision or extension activities.
7. This lesson provides a choice of revision or extension activities.

  Requisitos de acceso:
  Este curso puede realizarse a coste cero, subvencionado a través de la Fundación Tripartita

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