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Master Desarrollo En Sharepoint 2010 Mcitp Sharepoint Developer - Intensivo De Verano

Tipo de Curso: Master 
Temática: Informatica
Modalidad: presencial
Precio: consultar        
Subvencionado Si . Observaciones: Curso Bonificable Para Trabajadores En Activo
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 Localización: Madrid,Madrid (España)
 Duración: Comienzo: 04/07/2011 Plazas: Consultar
 Horario: De Lunes a Viernes de 16 a 21 horas
 Nº Horas: 96
 Titulación: consultar
   Salida Laboral:
    El programa de certificación de Microsoft, ofrece tres niveles de certificación distintos – Serie Tecnológico, Profesional y Arquitecto - cada uno diseñado para validar grados de competencia en conceptos y usos de la Tecnología Microsoft. Cada nivel ofrece un marco de referencia reconocido por la industria y que se aplica a roles de trabajo específicos.

CAS TRAINING ofrece los niveles de certificación:

- La certificación Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist (MCTS), corresponde a un nivel básico, que da las bases para dar soporte en el SS.OO. Windows y sus servidores.
- La certificación Microsoft Certified IT Professional (MCITP): SharePoint Developer representa la expertise profesional en el desarrollo de aplicaciones con Microsoft SharePoint 2010.

La obtención de la Certificación MCITP acredita las aptitudes de una persona aumentando su credibilidad profesional con reconocimiento a nivel mundial, garantizando un alto nivel de conocimientos técnicos y experiencia como ingeniero en soluciones de mensajería, así como la capacitación para diseñar y desplegar soluciones de mensajería con Exchange Server 2010.

Los profesionales certificados como MCITP tienen una alta demanda en el mundo actual y se espera que dicha demanda crezca por el aumento de instalaciones con tecnología Microsoft alrededor del mundo.
    Objetivos de Certificación
- Examen 70-573: TS: Microsoft SharePoint 2010, Application Development
- Examen 70-576: PRO: Designing and Developing Microsoft SharePoint 2010 Applications
    Nuestros Masters están basados en métodos docentes que facultan al profesor y orientan al alumno con el fin de conseguir un proceso evolutivo favorable de aprendizaje que permita mantener a los alumnos motivados y estimulados positivamente.

- Detección de las necesidades: Se realiza un análisis del mercado laboral actual, y con las carencias observadas, se desarrollan los planes de formación.
- Plan de acción: su diseño radica en que los contenidos estén siempre acorde con su temporalización y permitan el tiempo necesario para la asimilación de los conceptos. También se desarrolla el material didáctico y la documentación oficial de acuerdo con las materias, incorporando a las aulas la última tecnología necesaria.
- Proceso formativo: Se ejecutan distintas metodologías según el momento. Ninguna es excluyente de la otra, sino que se combinan y desarrollan según la necesidad. En todo momento se alternan las explicaciones teóricas con la elaboración de ejercicios prácticos, siempre relacionados con casos reales. Se incrementan paulatinamente los niveles de complejidad, asegurándonos de eliminar cualquier laguna que pueda perjudicar la asimilación de conceptos de mayor dificultad.
- Análisis de resultados: A lo largo del Master, el plan de formación será evaluado de forma continua pudiendo cerrar cada módulo con la certeza que los conocimientos han sido comprendidos y aprendidos. En la etapa final se analizará el proyecto en su conjunto, valorando la calidad obtenida y si los efectos conseguidos son los esperados.

- Carpeta personalizada con el Block de notas, bolígrafo, y CURRÍCULUM según la estructura de nuestra Base de Datos.
- Documentación Oficial de Microsoft
- Certificado de asistencia y aprovechamiento de CAS TRAINING
Nota Importante: La documentación propuesta sólo está disponible en inglés.
    SharePoint Developer 2010 – MCITP

Course 10232A: Designing and Developing Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010 Applications
Module 1: ASP.NET Advanced Concepts for SharePoint
This module helps you to review the essential information regarding ASP.NET including how to improve performance for high-scale sites like SharePoint. This module covers concepts around ViewState, caching, and session state and provides an opportunity to learn to make appropriate choices.

Module 2: Designing for User Experience
This module provides the key criteria and structure necessary to make appropriate decisions about what kind of user interface component to use based on the needs of the solution.

Module 3: Designing for Data
This module explains defining what storage will look like. This module discusses the information about data design critical to the performance and accessibility of the solution. The module also covers scalability issues related to data as well as the structural components such as the use of lists, list definitions, content types, and fields.

Module 4: Designing Data Capture and Integration
This module discusses strategies on how to get the data into the system. This module covers the techniques for capturing data – including office integration and integrating to other systems with BCS.

Module 5: Designing Artifacts
This module discusses items that will need to be implemented in SharePoint to tie the user interface and the data structure together. The module covers information about artifacts to begin the transformation of the abstract design into a specific set of deliverables that need to be created through SharePoint.

Module 6: Designing Processing Solutions
This module covers the details of options for developing solutions. The module provides decision criteria for the determination of sandbox versus full trust (or a hybrid of the two) deployments. The module also provides details for making decisions about processing including how to address long running operations and how to decide the appropriate processing solutions.

Module 7: Designing Packaging
This module addresses the first order problem of factoring the solution into features and packages so that it can be upgraded. This module covers the baseline skills of determining the number, scope, and dependency of features and determining the right number of packages.

Module 8: Designing a Development Strategy
This module focuses on two key items necessary to deploy larger solutions, configuration and logging. This module provides the students a platform to expand the scope of the solution and focus on issues related to dozens of projects on a server, each with its own approach to configuration and logging.

Module 9: Developing Version and Deployment
This module delves into the challenges of versioning in a SharePoint environment. The module also addresses deployment issues because most deployment issues are related to the versioning process.

Module 10: Designing Information Architecture and Navigation
This module helps to draw the distinction between information architecture and branding topics. The module helps to separate taxonomy (organization) from navigation (user interface).

Module 11: Designing Branding and Customization Support
This module covers branding options, including what tools can be used to customize the appearance. The module moves us to including the users and power users of the ultimate solution.

Module 12: Designing Security
This module describes how to design security for performance and provide a holistic view so to evaluate security implications and tradeoffs. This module also outlines the new Claims-Based authentication in SharePoint 2010 and how Forms-Based Authentication fits into this model.

Module 13: Designing for Page and Data Access Performance
This module discusses page and data access performance and how to plan for a high performance site.

Module 14: Designing a Testing Strategy
This module discusses what we do at the end of the development process, testing. The module also covers functional testing and scale/performance testing.

Course 10175A: Microsoft SharePoint 2010, Application Development
Module 1: Introduction to the SharePoint 2010 Development Platform
This module describes the SharePoint 2010 development platform and the benefits and features that it offers to developers.

Module 2: Using SharePoint 2010 Developer Tools
This module describes how to use development tools that are integrated with the SharePoint 2010 development platform, such as Visual Studio 2010 and SharePoint Designer 2010.

Module 3: Developing SharePoint 2010 Web Parts
This module describes how to develop Web Parts for SharePoint 2010 solutions.

Module 4: Working with SharePoint Objects on the Server
This module describes how to develop code that uses the server-side objects provided by the SharePoint 2010 development platform.
- Lesson 1: Working with SharePoint Sites Programmatically
- Lesson 2: Working with SharePoint Lists Programmatically
- Lesson 3: Working with List Data Programmatically

Module 5: Creating Event Receivers and Application Settings
This module describes how to develop event receivers and manipulate application settings for SharePoint 2010 solutions.
- Lesson 1: Creating Event Receivers
- Lesson 2: Working with Web.Config Programmatically

Module 6: Developing Solutions by Using Business Connectivity Services
This module describes how to develop solutions that access external data by using Business Connectivity Services.
- Lesson 1: Business Connectivity Services Overview
- Lesson 2: Developing External Content Types and Lists by Using SharePoint Designer
- Lesson 3: Developing Business Connectivity Services Solutions by Using Visual Studio 2010

Module 7: Developing SharePoint 2010 Workflows
This module describes how to develop workflows as part of SharePoint 2010 solutions.
- Lesson 1: Creating Workflows with SharePoint Designer
- Lesson 2: Creating Workflows with Visual Studio 2010

Module 8: Working with Client-Based APIs for SharePoint 2010
This module describes how to develop code that uses the client-side objects provided by the SharePoint 2010 development platform.
- Lesson 1: Overview of the SharePoint 2010 Client Object Model
- Lesson 2: Working with the SharePoint 2010 Client Object Model in .NET Applications

Module 9: Developing Interactive User Interfaces
This module describes how to develop server ribbon controls and client dialogs for the new user interface platform of SharePoint 2010.
- Lesson 1: Creating Menu Items and Ribbon Controls
- Lesson 2: Creating Client-Side Dialogs

Module 10: Developing Silverlight Applications for SharePoint
This module describes how to develop Silverlight applications that are integrated with SharePoint 2010 data and solutions.
- Lesson 1: Creating Silverlight Applications for SharePoint 2010
- Lesson 2: Deploying and Debugging Silverlight Applications for SharePoint 2010

Module 11: Developing Sandboxed Solutions
This module describes how to develop sandboxed solutions for SharePoint 2010.
- Lesson 1: Sandboxing and User Solutions
- Lesson 2: Restrictions for Sandboxed Solutions

Module 12: Working with SharePoint Server Profiles and Taxonomy APIs
This module describes how to develop code that uses the taxonomic and user profile services of the SharePoint 2010 development platform.
- Lesson 1: User Profiles
- Lesson 2: Taxonomies

Module 13: Developing Content Management Solutions
This module describes how to develop code that uses the content management services of the SharePoint 2010 development platform.
- Lesson 1: Developing Enterprise Content Management Solutions
- Lesson 2: Developing Web Content Management Solutions

- Profesionales avalados por el fabricante – MCT (Microsoft Certified Trainers).
  Requisitos de acceso:
  - Profesionales con al menos 12 meses de experiencia con ASP.NET 3.5 con Visual Studio 2008 o posterior y aproximadamente 1 mes desarrollando con SharePoint 2007 o 2010 y VC2010, creando código que interactue con las APIs en el lado servidor de SharePoint.
- Con experiencia ejecutando tareas de usuario final en SPPS 2007 o 2010.
- Diplomados en carreras técnicas.
- Titulados universitarios.
- Profesionales que desarrollan proyectos en el entorno de SharePoint 2010.

  Nota Importante: La documentación propuesta sólo está disponible en inglés.

Tarde: De Lunes a Viernes de 16 a 21 horas

Duración: 1 mes (aproximado)
Fecha de inicio: 4 de Julio

Horas Lectivas
- 96 horas lectivas y guiadas por el Instructor.

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