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Master In Business Management (program In English) Barcelona

Tipo de Curso: Master 
Temática: Idiomas
Modalidad: presencial
Precio: 4900 €        
ESERP Business School
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 Localización: Barcelona,Barcelona (España)
 Duración:  Consultar Plazas: Consultar
 Horario: No disponible
 Nº Horas: consultar
 Titulación: Master in Business Management (program in english) (CAMILO JOSÉ CELA UNIVERSITY) and private title by ESERP
    Through the teaching, all performed by high qualified business experts, we get to prepare the student with the tools and necessary knowledge to take decisions in the enterprise, organization, business environment, while analyzing: markets globalization, operations quality systems, projects budget organization, sociological variables, strategic planning and productivity analysis, as well as the ethical principles that should be supported in any enterprise by its directors.
    Case Method and simulation Case Method and simulation, combining theory with the analysis and discussion of the business practical cases (practical cases of ESERP Business School, IESE Business School, Queen’s University, IMD International, Harvard Business School and some others). AICAN® Methodology ESERP Business School, working together with Best Business Services use the AICAN® Methodology. It comes from the phonetic English basis "I can", answering its principal objective, which is "can do" and mnemonically its meaning is: Aplicación Inmediata del Conocimiento al Negocio (AICAN®) "Immediat Application of Knowledge to Business" : * Application: because what you can’t apply on business it is just not helpful. * Immediat: Because what you practice you never forget. * Of Knowledge: because only experience and research warranty strictness and innovation on every single piece of knowledge. * To Business: Because education it is not only an end itself, it is a way of orking itself. Renaissance Balanced Scorecard Tool homologated by the creators of the Balance Scorecard Methodology, David Norton and Robert Kaplan from the Harvard Business School to be applied on: * BalancescorecardCosts obtained by activities * Activities process optimization * Finance Strategic Operations * Marketing Operations INTERNATIONAL MBA PROGRAM STRUCTURE: Company Policy and General management Strategy. Strategies and Policies in the Marketing Management. Economic Control and Optimization of results. Commercial Management Organization of Networks. Management Skills: coaching, empowerment, leadership and organization. Economic Analysis of Managerial Decisions. Financial Management: management, strategy and creation of value. Company Evaluation: mergers, procurement, joint ventures. Globalization and Internationalization of Markets. Analysis. Management Ethics and Social Corporate Responsibility. Branding, the management of the value of a brand (Know-How). Product Manager: design and implementation of the Policies and the Marketing Plan. Sales Forecasts -Forecast - Forenet - (Expert Systems in Business Forecasts). Products and Branding Positioning Strategy: Globalization, opening new markets. Production Management, Quality, Logistics and distribution of the product. Trade Fairs, Conventions, Congresses. Customer Marketing. Customer Loyalty Schemes. Control of new channels. Marketing in industrial companies and services. Optimization of product margins. Pricing policy and profits maximization. The social issues: cooperation and resolution of labour conflicts. Judicial and Fiscal Treatment of Managerial Activities. Technological Innovation in Companies. Managing global Know-How. Balance Scorecard: design of management strategies. Strategic Business Game: simulation of management and business management. Final Project: Strategic Business Plan. Intelligent Technology It is used as well the Intelligent Technology, to solve in the most efficient way all the business situations and activities. The master is developed in sessions taught by faculty members, professionals and business executives from the different areas of specialization. It is completely necessary that, in order to obtain the Master certification, the students should attend an 80% of all the classes; to succeed the final Master project, and all the evaluations and exams that will take place through the courses. The 1,500 hours will be distributed within the classes and the additional projects managed part time by our staff as well as the team work, individual preparation and the creation of the final project.
    Master in Business Management (program in english) STRUCTURE: Business Policy and Business Administration. Strategy. Strategies and Policies of Marketing Management. Economic Control and optimization of results. Production Management, Operations, Logistics and Quality Control. Commercial Management: organization of commercial networks. Managerial Skills: Coaching, Empowerment, Leadership and Organization. Economic Analysis of Managerial Decisions. Financial Management: Management, Strategy and Value Creation. Company Assesments: mergers, procurement, joint-venture. Globalization and Internationalization of Markets. Analysis. Managerial Ethics and Social Corporate Responsibility. Branding: The Management of the Value of a Brand (Know-How). The social agents: Union and Employee Head Offices. Cooperation and resolution of labour conflicts. Judicial and fiscal treatment of the managerial activities. Technological Innovation in the companies. Management of global knowledege. Balance Scorecard: strategies design for management. Business Game: simulation of Business Management. Final Project: Strategic Business Plan. Master in Business Management (program in english) Technological Tools and Materials: Consulting Technological Platform ESERP is the first Business School in Spain with Applied Technological Innovation focused on the enterprise and used and developed in all of our master programs. The student of each master has complete access to the technological platform and with a whole package of programs that they can use at their jobs to implement all the modules followed during the master sessions. Innova Plan founder members together with Best Business Service of the R5 Management Universal Model. Business Game Entrepreneurial program which aim is to evaluate the executive and directive abilities of the students through a virtual-simulated reality on Internet. We are the first School applying in Spain this technology in collaboration with Company Game, technological leader in this area. Strategic Business Plan Developed with Best Business Service it helps to determine strategic direction plans within the organizations, through a global and dynamic vision of the environment, competitors, strengths, weaknesses, always considering the new global markets. Consulting Managing Material During the Master different managing material will be delivered to the students, such as "Consulting for General Direction"; "Consulting for Commercial Direction and Marketing", both from Wolters Kluwer Editorial-Special Managers. Specialized Daily Newspapers The students have the opportunity to obtain in each one of the master sessions, de economic newspaper "La Gaceta de los Negocios", one of the top newspapers in this subject. The Best Research Experts ESERP hands to the Master Students complete and full access to digital magazines through our academic and research cooperation agreement with Wolters Kluwer. ESERP is the first Business School in Spain offering this service to the students. The student will have full access to the following magazines, leaders on its particular field:
  Requisitos de acceso:
  Duración: 60 créditos

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