Todomaster – Masters y Postgrados
Masters de Medio Ambiente
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Masters de Calidad

Master In Digital Marketing

Tipo de Curso: Master 
Temática: Marketing Online
Modalidad: online
Precio: 27000 €        
IE Business School
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 Duración:  Consultar Plazas: Consultar
 Horario: No disponible
 Nº Horas: consultar
 Titulación: consultar
    Focusing on the tools and skills required of the successful manager within the advertising industry, the Master in Digital Marketing is designed for professionals unable to leave their places of residence and work for extended periods of time. The program provides you with the specialized skills and knowledge that this unique industry demands.
    The Master in Digital Marketing is a 13-month, online program intended for those seeking to forge a career in the digital marketing industry. It can either act as a means of changing your career path from another industry, or to enhance your career opportunities if you are already working within the industry.

  Requisitos de acceso:
  - GMAT or IE Admissions Test
Having evaluated the application form and additional documentation, the Admissions Committee may invite you to attend an interview.
The interview has a dual purpose: first, to examine in greater detail the data provided in the application on academic and professional background and motivation; and second, to ascertain that your profile will stand you in good stead for the structure and demands of the program.
- The Admissions Committee’s Decision
Following the interview, your application will be subject to a final analysis by the Admissions Committee. The Admissions Committee will evaluate all aspects of your candidature as a whole and will subsequently communicate its decision in writing to you.

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