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Master In International Law Llm

Tipo de Curso: Master 
Temática: Derecho y Politicas
Modalidad: presencial
Precio: consultar        
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 Localización: Madrid ,Madrid (España)
 Duración:  Consultar Plazas: Consultar
 Horario: No disponible
 Nº Horas: consultar
 Titulación: consultar
 Bolsa de Trabajo: Este curso tiene bolsa de trabajo
    The Master in International Law was born with a clear objective: to transmit a mechanism of legal reasoning and consequently, a preparation in legal practice in all the subjects, with the aim to gradually aspire to the specialization. The student will also be instructed in international relations and foreign trade, necessary nowadays with the actual worldwide economic system.
    ISDE has created a practical and effective system based on learning through real cases and using the same methodology as a real lawyer. That is the reason why the education is provided both in the academic headquarters and in the Law Firms. Thus what it is learned is the application of the law, the detection of legal problems, the legal reasoning and the appropriate draft claims. Nevertheless this is only the first phase of the Master, since in the second one the students have an internship in different prestigious Law Firms and national or international legal consultancies.
    The official language for the whole programme, including classes, clinics and the practical internships, is English. The programme is divided in the following modules:

• Commercial Law
• Company Law
• International Tax Law
• Employment Law
• Public International Law
• Resolution of Disputes: Litigation and ADRs
• Criminal Law
• International Family Law
• International Relations
• Foreign Trade
• Parallel Areas of Knowledge
• Languages
  Requisitos de acceso:
  • Recent graduates in Law and Lawyers who want to improve their law knowledge and practice in an increasing global economy scenario and other persons with interest in developing their career in the International Law framework.
• Applicants must be able to attend and dedicate one year to the programme as a full-time student.
• Proficiency in English

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