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Master In International Management

Tipo de Curso: Master 
Temática: Dirección
Modalidad: presencial
Precio: 32000 €        
IE Business School
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 Localización: Madrid ,Madrid (España)
 Duración:  Consultar Plazas: Consultar
 Horario: No disponible
 Nº Horas: consultar
 Titulación: consultar
    The Master in International Management provides you with a profound understanding of international business, and puts your knowledge into practice, making you a specialist professional; it is a program that prepares you for your career and the future challenges that it will bring.
    The Master in International Management degree program lasts for 13 months, and is held at IE’s central-Madrid campus. The objective of the program is to equip new generation professionals to make decisions and implement successful business models for global operations. This program has been specifically designed to mould future leaders facing the challenge of globalization, multicultural contexts and international business networks.

International Experience

With more than 70 nationalities on campus, IE’s truly international environment will benefit you by furthering your ability to conduct business at an international level in today’s multi-cultural world as you gather cross-cultural experience and exposure to a multitude of nationalities and cultures.


The Master in International Management consists of 4 teaching periods which address both general business as well as specialized skills.

First period (October-December)
All Masters in Management students (Master in Marketing, Master in International Management, Master in Biotechnology Management and Master in Telecom & Digital Business) work and study together to develop the fundamental skills required by today's top managers. Key areas such as financial accounting, marketing, quantitative methods, and organizational behavior are covered in this first term.

A core element of IE's philosophy is that an entrepreneurial mindset and management style are essential for modern business leaders.

Students learn how to analyze business ideas, creatively capture value, and value marketing strategies in their different stages of development. The first term also includes the Accelerate program, initiating the continuous development of "soft skills" such as teamwork, communication, and leadership skills.

Second Period (January - March)
The core applied module takes place, during which business fundamentals are applied to the international arena. You will prepare reports and give presentations. As teamwork and knowledge-sharing play an increasingly crucial role, workshops and team-building sessions are held in order to translate theory into practice.

Third Period (April - June)
You will now have a sound working knowledge of the globalized business environment, having developed your management skills, and are proficient in strategic and innovative thinking. You are now equipped to take your education to specialized levels. During this term you will assume the role of senior international manager and corporate leader as they think through and solve complex business problems.

Fourth Period (July - November)
The final period, the Beyond Borders Experience, opens up a world of personalization options which compliment your studies at IE, furthering your academic knowledge whilst also offering the experience so essential to putting your knowledge into practice. You will be able to choose from a host of personalization options: exchange program that open the door to the ever-invaluable experience provided by exposure to new cultures; IE's Venture Lab to hone your entrepreneurial skills; or an internship program to help you gather some invaluable experience.
  Requisitos de acceso:
  - A Bachelor degree at an accredited college/university (or equivalent).
GMAT exam or IE Admissions Test. The test result from one of these exams is a prerequisite for admission.
- An English language certificate is required for all non-native English-speaking applicants (TOEFL, TOIEC, IELTS, Cambridge Advanced).
- A complete application for evaluation by the Admissions Committee, including all supporting documents

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