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Master In International Relations

Tipo de Curso: Master 
Temática: MBA
Modalidad: presencial
Precio: 27000 €        
IE Business School
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 Localización: Madrid ,Madrid (España)
 Duración:  Consultar Plazas: Consultar
 Horario: No disponible
 Nº Horas: consultar
 Titulación: consultar
    Aimed at making a real difference in its field, the Master in International Relations is oriented towards candidates with a clear interest in international relations. Many people feel an intense international vocation but this is seldom accompanied by definite career goals. What does it take to be a consultant of international stature, a respected diplomat, a leading international civil servant, or the innovative manager of an NGO with global outreach?

The Master in International Relations is designed to help you answer these questions and to transform your calling into a specific career plan. Furthermore, it will enable you to participate successfully in international projects that require the cooperation of different players both in the public and private sectors, including non-governmental and civil society organizations.
    The Master in International Relations is a full-time program and will follow the pattern of the intensive, one-year programs that IE has been successfully running for many years. The program will be taught in three periods: October to December, January to March and April to July. The program will consist of twenty-three core subjects divided into four academic areas: Skills, competencies and languages; International Organization, European Institutions and Security Studies; Social Sciences and Humanities; and Economics and Business.

A visit to the European Union institutions in Brussels is scheduled for the first week of April.

The third trimester will include an electives period in which students can choose from a list of subjects that are offered in IE business and law programs.

All students will also have to write a Master’s thesis.

The program’s academic curriculum will be enriched by a series of visits and events that will make use of the largely untapped potential of Madrid’s political, diplomatic, defense, business, and financial communities.
  Requisitos de acceso:
  - A Bachelor degree at an accredited college/university (or equivalent).
- GRE exam or IE Admissions Test. The result from one of these exams is a prerequisite for admission.
- An English language certificate is required for all non-native English-speaking applicants (TOEFL, TOIEC, IELTS or Cambridge Advanced).
- A completed application for evaluation by the Admissions Committee, including all supporting documents

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