Todomaster – Masters y Postgrados
Masters de Medio Ambiente
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Directorio de Masters

Masters de Administración y Empresas
Masters de Alimentación
Masters de Arte y Diseño
Masters de Bellas Artes
Masters de Belleza y Moda
Masters de Calidad
Masters de Ciencias Sociales Masters de Ciencia y Tecnología
Masters de Ventas y Comercio
Masters de Comunicación y Publicidad
Masters de Contabilidad
Masters de Deportes
Masters de Derecho
Masters de Empresa y Economía
Masters de Educación
Masters de Hostelería y Turismo
Masters de Idiomas
Masters de Imagen y Sonido
Masters de Informática e Internet
Masters de Inmobiliarias y Construcción
Masters de letras y humanidades
Masters de Marketing y Ventas
Masters de Medio Ambiente
Masters de Música
Masters de Oficios
Masters de Prevencion de Riesgos
Masters de Psicología
Masters de Recursos Humanos
Masters de Veterinaria y Salud
Masters de Seguridad
Masters de Trabajo Social
Masters de Tributación y Fiscalidad
Masters en Finanzas
Masters de Calidad

Master Of International Business

Tipo de Curso: Master 
Temática: Inglés
Modalidad: semipresencial
Precio: 11500 €        
EAE Escuela de Administración de Empresas - Internacional
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 Localización: Barcelona,Barcelona (España)
 Duración:  Consultar Plazas: Consultar
 Horario: No disponible
 Nº Horas: consultar
 Titulación: consultar
    The MIB is oriented to four key elements for a successful international business education: Developing personal competencies necessary to lead corporate initiatives, obtaining specific managerial skills and a global vision of the company, analysis and decision making in an ever-changing corporate environment and finally, interaction, communication and team work.
The general objective of the MIB is to provide business education to executives:
Be an efficient international manager: the rapid changes in the business world require the most up-to-date methodology and techniques for our students so that they become effective and competitive managers.

Understand the process of change: changes in economical, social and technological areas are influencing the organisational structure of companies.

International competition: faced with the challenges of the European market as well as the steady march towards a global economy, executives need to adapt their perspective, without losing touch with their own values and cultures.
Students are offered the possibility of studying a semester abroad in Paris.

1. Economics
2. Uman resources
3. Marketing
4. Finance
5. Management
6. Law
7. New technologies
8. Spanish language
9. The project: business plan
  Requisitos de acceso:
  In order to access the programme it is necessary to have a university degree and professional experience. We give special importance to professional experience, as it is important to share knowledge on the basis of the contributions provided by each participant, from their training and professional responsibility, to the situations suggested by teachers. Should you not meet any of the mentioned requirements, access to the programme will be assessed by the Programme Management.

University Degree

1/2 years of working experience
  Start April 2010

Duration: 60 credits

Study Mode: Full Time

The academic staff at EAE Business School is made up of expert professors in their area, who combine teaching with directive responsibilities in different companies. This is the best guarantee to acquire the more useful, up-to-date and practical techniques and concepts.

MIB Course Director in Barcelona
César Castillo López
Bachelor of Business Administration
EAE Academic Coordinator

MIB Course Director in Madrid
Mario González
Degree in Economics
Master in Statistics
Director of EAE Strategic Research Center


1. Fill in the Application for Admission
The main objective of the admissions process is to ensure the suitability of the candidates for the programme, by looking at their professional experience and their academic CV. Our aim is for all participants to make the most of the experience we offer through a context in which they may develop a long-term relationship with classmates, teachers and alumni.
In order to start the admissions process, it is necessary to fill in the form Application for Admission.

2. Consideration of your Application
Within a maximum term of 7 days the candidate will obtain via email a notification containing the Academic Committee’s decision. If the decision regarding the Admission issued by the Academic Committee for the programme requested is positive, the candidate may formalise his or her registration for the programme.

3. Registration
Once admitted, candidates can formalise his or her registration for the programme. You will receive all the necessary information together with the Admission Letter.

Solicitar Información al Centro

Nombre Apellidos
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País Provincia
Localidad Cód. Postal
Fecha de Nacimiento (dd/mm/aaaa)
Nivel de estudios
Campus: Convocatoria:

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